When you first have a child and you get through those first several months that I affectionately refer to as "the fog" and you finally feel like you actually have a handle on things, "something" happens. Whether it's teething, sleeping (or lack of it) or eating issues, this "something" consumes you as a parent and becomes your mission to solve for your child. In the beginning, for us, it was eczema. Tyler's pediatrician at the time rated his eczema as an "8 or 9" out of 10. I became obsessed with figuring out what caused it to flare up and how I could help him. I have a lotion graveyard under the sink in our guest bathroom with every single lotion that I tried.
Over the months and going into Tyler's first birthday, his eczema started to clear up. It was like a weight lifted off of my heart. It was so hard to see him deal with the itching and pain while not really being able to do much for him. Right about that time is when Tyler's
eating issues really started kicking in. I remember thinking, "Seriously?!?! We just got through this last issue, now this?" But what I quickly realized is that this is what it's all about. There is always going to be
something. Our job as parents is to help our kids through it the best we know how.
These "somethings" - despite the angst, anxiety and sleepless nights they cause us - make us better parents. For me, when you inevitably move on to that next "something," you can always look back and see what you got through together as a family.
Tyler's progress in trying new foods has been remarkable the last several weeks. I have successfully cooked one meal for everyone for the last 3 weeks, with Tyler trying new things every week. As I feel like we're drifting away from the eating issues as our current "something," I'm wondering, what's the next issue going to be?