Sunday, March 6, 2011

Coupons & Cocktails!

Saturday night I had a couple of my fellow couponers over to the house for Coupons & Cocktails.

Everyone brought the coupons they didn't want to exchange with other people at the party. It was really interesting to see how everyone has their own unique system for couponing. After a little socializing - and a cocktail of course! - we got down to business.

It was pretty informal, which I think worked really well. I had the coupons I needed (like Tyler's rice and PopTarts :) ) and others had theirs. We just went around the circle and called out the coupons we had to see if anyone wanted them.

At the end of the evening, I think everyone walked away with lots of coupons they needed and off-loaded lots of coupons they didn't want. In the end, I had a big pile of coupons - along with people's expired coupons - that I'll be sending overseas to a military base. (Military personnel are able to use expired coupons).

Thanks you ladies for helping me make this idea a reality! It will definitely not be the last time!


  1. So sorry I bailed! I'm looking forward to the next time though :) PS, how 'bout them Heels!

  2. Love this! I might have to steal this idea and try it here in Greensboro. Do you have a certain site you use to pair you coupons with sales? I'm hit or miss but you are rocking it!

  3. Thanks and steal away! :) I am religious user of I usually go to Harris Teeter or Lowes Foods. If I don't have time to develop my list with matching coupons, then I go to Walmart just to pick up the essentials. Love reading your blog!
