Well, that has changed recently. He has really taken to a little stuffed animal that his Nana Jones got him a few months ago. His name is Puppy. Here's Tyler with Puppy.
Every morning, Tyler "feeds" Puppy at the table - usually crumbs leftover from his PopTart. Then Puppy hops in the car with us on the way to school, where Tyler says "have a good day" to Puppy as he leaves him in the car. Then, every night, Tyler puts Puppy in his "bed" - a stool at our kitchen table.
One Saturday Tyler and I were out running errands when he exclaimed, "Mommy, Puppy is lost!" I explained to him that Puppy wasn't lost, but safe at home with Scott and Jake. He persisted, "Mommy, Puppy is crying. He needs me!" Tyler was relieved to find Puppy safe and sound at home.
Scott and I have talked about getting a dog down the road - like when Jake is 3 or 4 - but recently we've been so impressed with how Tyler really takes care of Puppy. We're still not getting a dog anytime soon. Until then, Tyler can get some practice with Puppy.
So cute! Logan has a stuffed dog named Puppy, too. Kids are so logical :)