Friday, June 1, 2012


Today we watched our big boy Tyler graduate and take the next step towards Kindergarten! Tyler's school put on an adorable program. Tyler even had a "part" where he said "It's going to be a wonderful day!" Then they recited all of their letters with words and sounds, then even sang their months and colors in both English and Spanish! It was adorable and clearly brought tears of joy to the entire room. A few pictures from the ceremony and afterwards... 

Getting ready!

T..Tent...Tall Tent, Tall Tent! 

Tyler and the girls! 

The proud parents! 

First diploma :) 

The graduate

Wanted to wear his special jacket 

Nena and Granddad 

Aunt Britney! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Take a good look...this hasn't happened in a while.

Between swim lessons and activities in the evening and schedules just being all over the place, it has been far too long since I have been able to actually cook a well-balanced meal for the entire family. Tonight, we managed it - and it felt great! Scott took the boys outside for a little swing time so I pulled everything together in peace. And I had a real "Mom Moment" as I opened the back door to call out, "Dinner's ready!"

Monday, May 21, 2012

Swing's the Thing

Around the Jones household, the swings have been quite popular. Tyler has officially learned to pump his legs so he can get started and swing all by himself - and the higher the better! And anything Tyler does, Jakes does too :) So, we've spent a LOT of time around the swings this weekend.


Look how high! 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thankful on Thursday

Today I am thankful for change.

There was a time when Tyler would have had a full-scale, Mach 5 MELTDOWN when faced with the prospect of getting even close to water. I mean, afraid-around-the-fountains-at-the-mall kind of fear. And this is how far we have come.

Tyler has been taking swim lessons for the past several weeks. It's been a really nice time for him and I to get some alone time, it's something special for him to do all by himself, and he's getting closer and closer to being able to actually swim! As you can tell, the "jumping" portion of the lesson is his favorite part!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our little Kindergartner

It's hard to believe that this little baby...

Is now this little soon-to-be kindergartner! 

That's right. In just 2 months, Tyler will walk into elementary school as a kindergartner. I am trying to be more excited than sad (Lord knows Tyler is excited enough for both of us) but you just can't help but wonder where all of the time went. We had "Graduation Pictures" last week (he doesn't normally just wear a tie around the house) and we will get to watch him "graduate from little school" in just a couple of weeks. Stay tuned for more updates as we get to meet his teacher, go to Open House and (what I'm most excited about!) shop for school supplies!!!! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hell just froze over

For years and years I have been quite outspoken about my general distaste for the minivan. It's not that I have anything against this category of vehicle really. It just wasn't for me. I'd shake my head "NO" when my husband suggested we get one. It'd be a cold day in H E double hockey sticks before I owned one.

That was until I drove one.

And then bought one.

Yes, that's right. After literally months of gentle nagging from my dear hubby, I finally relented and took one for a test drive this weekend. At the end, I was asking myself, "Where have you been all my life?!?!? You mean, I can open the doors from my key chain? And there's room between the two front seats so I can walk to the backseat instead of climbing over and showing all of the truck drivers on I-85 my underpants?!?!"


Here's our new ride. It's awesome, it's ours. And it's a minivan.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Remember me?!?!?

Gosh, it's been so long, I don't even think I remember what a blog is! Ha! Just wanted to post a couple of recent photos of the boys.

The first is a picture of a major accomplishment for our 4-year-old little boy. Tyler had an extremely successful trip to the pediatric dentist this week, with no crying and no cavities - only a ton of questions to the hygienist that went a little something like this..."What's that? ... What's it do? .... Is it going to hurt?"

The weather has also been amazing recently, so we have spent every possible moment outdoors just goofing around. Here's a few recent pics of us playing around in the backyard.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Year in Pictures

January: Several lazy days spent in our PJs!

January: First family bowling outing! 

February: Going to see Ashley play softball! 

March: Finally warming up to play outside.

April: Scott and I travel to Boston - got to see Fenway Park!

April: Trip up to WV to visit the Hawkins family.

April: Having fun washing cars!

May: Imagination Movers!

May: Finally able to get the pool out to enjoy the sun.

June: A wonderful trip to the beach with the Jones Family

June: Learning to surf! 
July: Fun on the 4th with Nana Jones.
August: The big birthdays! Jake turns 1.

And Tyler turns 4!
A trip to Holden Beach with the Dimmicks.
September: Our annual trip to the NC Zoo.

September: Mebane on the Move 10K

October: Finished a half marathon!!!

October: Took Tyler to Washington, DC.
November: Amazing family photos taken!
December: An amazing Christmas morning with the boys!