Monday, May 14, 2012

Hell just froze over

For years and years I have been quite outspoken about my general distaste for the minivan. It's not that I have anything against this category of vehicle really. It just wasn't for me. I'd shake my head "NO" when my husband suggested we get one. It'd be a cold day in H E double hockey sticks before I owned one.

That was until I drove one.

And then bought one.

Yes, that's right. After literally months of gentle nagging from my dear hubby, I finally relented and took one for a test drive this weekend. At the end, I was asking myself, "Where have you been all my life?!?!? You mean, I can open the doors from my key chain? And there's room between the two front seats so I can walk to the backseat instead of climbing over and showing all of the truck drivers on I-85 my underpants?!?!"


Here's our new ride. It's awesome, it's ours. And it's a minivan.

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