Friday afternoon Scott and I did something we rarely do - we were completely spontaneous! Literally at 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon, Scott and I decided to take the boys to the beach for a weekend. We always talked about going somewhere just the four of us for some time, but we never just DID it. Well, Friday we did.
I hopped on the trusty Internets to scope out the last minute deals and found a great room in Wilmington. I sprinted home, packed everything up - which by the way was weirdly comforting to find out I could pack everything up in 30 minutes if I had to - and stopped by Walmart for a few things. I picked up the boys, Scott got home from work, packed up the car, and we were on our way a little after 6 o'clock.
When we got to the hotel, the setup was perfect! There was a pullout sofa for Tyler - which he thought was really cool - and a great area for us to set up the pack 'n play for Jake. Which meant - Scott and I got the entire bed to ourselves!!! Or at least the evenings started that way. Strangely enough, by 6:30 AM each morning, we had a bed full of rambunctious little boys!
We hoped up early Saturday and headed out to the beach. We had a blast! Here are a few pictures of a great weekend!
Jake knew he needed some sunscreen. |
Tyler loved jumping the waves! |
Jake enjoying the ride. |
Napping at the beach! |
Playing in the sand. |
Enjoying a little shade under the tent. |
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