Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thankful on Thursday

This week has been a little rough at the Jones house. A few nights ago, we got hit with whatever stomach/flu bug has been going around. Tyler got it first, followed closely by Scott and I. Jake - thank goodness - never seemed affected by anything. Just stayed his normal, happy self. Tyler seemed to bounce back in about 12 hours, but Scott and I were pretty pitiful. I'll spare you the details, but it's been rough. But, despite all the roughness, there has been plenty to be thankful for this week, so here goes...

1. My wonderful mom. I placed a distress call to her at 6 AM and she came running. I think it was a win-win though. She got to play with the boys all day and Scott and I got some much needed rest.

2. Tylenol. Best medical invention EVER. OK, so there might be a few more that deserve that title, but in the past several days, it's been a lifesaver.

3. A healthy milk supply. All I could think about the last several days was how me being sick and dehydrated would affect my milk supply for Jake. I was scared to nurse him because I didn't want to expose him to anything and get sick, but I also knew that was the best thing I could do to keep his immunities up. Getting to breastfeed Jake to this point has been a wonderful blessing and I was NOT ready to let it go. He did wake up last night to eat for the first time in a long time, but we made it through!

4. A flexible employer: Between the snow and sickness this week, I haven't been into the office at all. And while I can see the stack of work waiting for me when I get back, I know that I come back to coworkers who sympathize and appreciate the fact that you need to take care of your family first!

5. Lastly, but certainly not least - my wonderful husband! He's been my rock this week!

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